Latest manuscripts by Andrea Koehle Jones

By Andrea Koehle Jones, January 1, 2021

I’ve been busy writing during the pandemic. I write books to introduce children to the wonders of nature. These are my latest children’s book manuscripts and also where I work on my bloglines and pitches.

Children’s picture book manuscripts


TIDE TURNERS — Deepy-Pie dolphin meets a multitasking octopus with a love of all things plastic deep in the #PacificGarbagePatch. Together they save a baby sea turtle lost in a plastic world… A fun story that will stay with young readers for a lifetime. #PBpitch #onomatopoeia #ha #halloween #pb

HIMALAYA AND HEMLOCK — Himalaya, a super-anxious jumbo mountain dog, freaks out over the smallest things. A leaf, a squirrel… His sister Hemlock is very patient with Himalaya and teaches him a fun dance to shake off his fears. A story for kids dealing with childhood #anxiety.
#PBPitch #HA


PING PONG POPPY — Lots of HOPPING and POPPING off-the-wall fun. A spunky bunny hops into action when a forest fire threatens her home. Poppy saves the day with her boundless energy ~ and she eventually gets to bed too! A bedtime story with iambic tetrameter/AABB #rhyme #PBPitch




SOMETHING ON YOUR FACE — a silly and educational #covid19 face mask book that reminds readers we are all in this together! #PBPitch #HA #STEM #PANDEMIC #anxiety #PB

Seems like we will be wearing masks for quite some time. Significant potential market for this book worldwide in many translations if it can be turned around fast. Like the image of masks, this story will stay with young readers from this pandemic generation for a lifetime.

MOMMY TREES is rooted in the idea that trees are rescuers, just like moms. A baby Kermode bear gets lost planting a tree for his mom in Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest – the largest temperate rainforest on earth. Join the rescue + learn how trees help the world. #PBPitch #STEM #NF



Children’s middle grade manuscripts

THE SECRET OF AXL-H — The trees are talking, but only one girl can hear them. You won’t believe what happens when 11yo Laurel answers a call for help from the trees. She must follow clues across the globe to save her family, the trees and the world. Upper #MG #MR #MYSTERY #AD #F#T #LF (MS prof. edited)

Book Title: The Secret of Axl-H
Genre: Upper #MG mystery
Length: 50,000 words
Author: Andrea Koehle Jones